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How to Repair Cracks in Asphalt: When to Hire Professionals

Asphalt is widely used in the construction industry for roadways and driveways due to its durability and cost-effectiveness. However, over time, cracks can occur, leaving unsightly and potentially hazardous surfaces. Repairing these cracks is important to maintain safety and appearance. In this blog post, we will discuss how to repair cracks in asphalt and when to hire professionals.

Assess the Damage:

The first step in repairing cracks in asphalt is to assess the damage. Determine the size and depth of the cracks and the cause, such as soil movement or heavy traffic. Small surface-level cracks can be easily repaired using DIY methods, while larger cracks may require professional assistance.

DIY Repairs:

For small cracks, DIY repairs can save you money. First, clean the cracks using a broom and pressure washer. Then, fill the cracks with asphalt crack filler using a caulking gun, making sure to smooth out the filler and allow it to dry. For wider cracks, use an asphalt patching compound and apply it in layers until it is level with the surrounding surface.

Professional Repairs:

If the cracks are extensive or if the damage is structural, it is advisable to hire professionals. They can evaluate the area and determine the best course of action. Professional repairs may involve cutting and removing the damaged area and replacing it with new asphalt.

Preventive Measures:

To prevent future cracks, it is important to take preventive measures. One of the easiest methods is to sealcoat the surface every few years. Sealcoating fills small cracks and protects the surface from UV rays and weather damage.

When to Hire Professionals:

If you are unsure about your ability to repair the cracks or if the damage is extensive, it is best to hire professionals. They have the experience, knowledge, and tools to provide quality repairs and ensure long-lasting results. Additionally, seeking professional assistance can prevent further damage to the surface, reducing maintenance costs over time.

Regular inspection and maintenance of your asphalt surfaces can help prevent cracks and other forms of damage. DIY repairs can be an effective solution for small cracks, while larger cracks require professional assistance. To avoid further damage and increase the longevity of your surface, it is advisable to hire an asphalt repair service for extensive repairs. Remember, crack repairs not only enhance appearance but also improve safety. Don't forget to take preventive measures by sealing the surface every few years. With the right maintenance, your asphalt surface can last for years to come.